Spell of the Unown excited me just as much as Mewtwo Strikes Back. It has everything. New powerful Pokemon in the form of Entei & Unown (Plus all the rest.), Team Rocket, Pikachu, Tears, Laughter, Dreams, Battles, Awesome Animation, Totodile, Charizard. You name it. It contained everything that makes Pokemon great. Weirdly Wonderful. All Pokemon fans will love it, young & old. (I'm 23.) 10/10
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
"Pokemon The Movie 3: Spell Of the Unown" Is a wild action packed adventure that finds Ash Kecthum, out to rescue his mother from a pokemon named 'Entei". This could've been a great action movie, if the idiots at Warner Bros hadn't choped it to a mesely 91 minutes. However the much darker feel, and fasted paced dramatic story reamin intact. I recomend this one! 8/10
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
I didn't mind this movie Pokemon 3: The movie. I did see the first ever pokemon the movie and i did find that boring. I never saw the 2nd one and i didn't i'll ever see it because pokemon isn't my cup of tea. Although i did watch the 3rd one and it did get me into it. I give this movie at least 5 out of 10.